Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Once logged in, you can click on the "My Account" link and view your account. From here you can access your order history by clicking "Order Status".

Once logged in, you can click on the "My Account" link and view your account. From here, you can update your account information by clicking "Update Account".

Once logged in, you can click on the "My Account" link to view your account. From here, you can change your password by clicking "Reset Password".

The inventory that's shown is real-time based on orders that have processed.

Contact your sales representative at The Icebox and they can work with you to make sure your project is handled to perfection.

If there is an item that isn't shown on this site that you have interest in ordering, contact your sales representative at The Icebox and they can work with you to make sure your project is handled to perfection. We'll be happy to assist you!

Unfortunately, no. All deliveries will come via FedEx/UPS and must be delivered to a physical address.

Most in-stock orders ship with-in 1 to 2 business days (inventory permitting). Depending on your shipping method, your order should be delivered within 1 to 4 business days after it ships.

Yes! If your call pertains to your Web order or to the Web site, please contact us via email at or via phone at 1-404-665-2440